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To the Editors

For speaking engagement queries and all other correspondence:


Sunil K. Sharma, Editor and Publisher:

Kim Petersen, Co-Editor:



Letters Page

DV welcomes your feedback. Space doesn’t allow us to post every letter on the Letters Page, but we are biased in favor of letters that are to the point and respond specifically to Dissident Voice material. Please write “Letters Page Submission” in the subject field of your e-mail:



Abusive Correspondence 

Send any abusive rants you might have to: (keep it legal)



Copyright Notice

Unless otherwise specified, all Dissident Voice articles are copyrighted by the respective author. For permission to reprint, post, or redistribute an article, please contact either the author or the editor. If permission is granted, we ask that Dissident Voice is credited as the original source and that a link to the DV website ( be included.



Articles by Sunil K. Sharma 

Copyright ă by Sunil K. Sharma

All Rights Reserved



Articles by Kim Petersen 

Copyright ă by Kim Petersen

All Rights Reserved



Dissident Voice is based in Santa Rosa, California, United States of Empire





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