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Gaza Lives: Resisting Cultural Genocide

Chapter 1:Cutural Genocide in Gaza

By destroying universities, museums, libraries, and archives, Israel seeks to make our memory, whether it’s collective or institutional, inaccessible. It’s an assault on continuity. They want to force people out of Gaza but they also want to make sure if people return to Gaza they find nothing and dwell for eternity in this limbo of nothingness, in this void. Israel is trying to impose a rupture between the present and the past and the future.

— Jehad Abusalim, executive director of the Institute for Palestine Studies

For the past few months, we had the opportunity to collaborate with the talented data storytellers …

May I Show You My City

A Short Story

A short story that I wrote that is true for many Palestinians in different scenarios.

The taxicab ride from Tel Aviv ended at the front of the Hotel Leonardo Ashkelon. Sliding from the rear seat on to the violet colored brick sidewalk, Professor Farad Al-Khatib looked toward the Mediterranean Sea and took a deep breath. This autumn air had lost its caressing touch, fish smells, and natural sounds. Just a steady drone from passing traffic. Different, yes, he expected differences, and they did not hide memories.

“Father, will we be able to swim; will we catch fish; can we go out a …

Israel’s War on the World

Photo credit: Muhammad Mahdi Karim, Wikimedia Commons

Each new week brings new calamities for people in the countries neighboring Israel, as its leaders try to bomb their way to the promised land of an ever-expanding Greater Israel.
In Gaza, Israel appears to be launching its “Generals’ Plan” to drive the most devastated and traumatized 2.2 million people in the world into the southern half of their open-air prison. Under this plan, Israel would hand the northern half over to greedy developers and settlers who, after decades …

Upon Waking up

A synthesis of facts, and voila, a realization.

Bayer’s “Backward” Claim: A Bid to Reap Control of Indian Agriculture

For some critics, if one firm tops a league table for anti-people, anti-nature business practices, it is Bayer (although there are many other worthy candidates). Nevertheless, the Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) signed a memorandum of understanding with Bayer in September 2023.  

Bayer’s approach to agricultural development involves promoting a model of industrial agriculture dependent on corporate products, including its toxic chemicals and genetically modified crops, and advocating for precision, data-driven agriculture that relies heavily on its proprietary technologies and software. 

Simon Wiebusch, Country Divisional Head of Crop Science for Bayer South Asia, …

Nuclear Fever: War Mongering on Iran

The recent string of exaggerated military successes – or at least as they are understood to be – places Israel in a situation it has been previously used to: prowess in war.  Such prowess promises much: redrawing boundaries; overthrowing governments; destroying the capabilities of adversaries and enemies.  Nothing, in this equation, contemplates peace, let alone diplomatic resolution. It’s playground pugilism that rarely gets out of the sandpit.

In Washington, a fever has struck regarding Israel’s advances.  The outbreak has stirred much enthusiasm in a doctrine that has been shown, time and again, to be wretchedly uncertain and grossly dangerous.  With no …

Han Kang’s Nobel Prize Award is a Cry for Palestine

South Korean novelist Han Kang has won the Nobel Prize for Literature, beating short-listed literary heavyweights like Thomas Pynchon, Haruki Murakami, Salman Rushdie, Gerald Murnane, and the all-odds-favorite, Chinese author Can Xue.  Han Kang was as shocked as anyone else after receiving the call notifying her that she had won. When asked what she would do next, she said she would quietly “have tea with her son”.

She has refused a press conference, saying that “with the wars raging between Russia and Ukraine, Israel and Palestine, with deaths being reported every day, she …

“Carpet bomb the Irish area and then drop napalm over it.”

Here is a screencap from X/Twitter where US foreign policy advisor Matthew RJ Brodsky making calls to attack Irish peacekeepers with bombs and napalm in Palestine.

A Question for Women

Dr. Frances Conley, 83, died recently. She was a professor at Stanford and one of the country’s only female neurosurgeons in the 1990s. For decades she dealt with male colleagues fondling her, propositioning her, and calling her “hon,” among other demeaning behavior—even in the operating room. She felt it was the cost of success in a male-dominated field. But at age 50 she’d had enough of being told her opposing opinion was due to her PMS, and of never being taken seriously. She resigned from her position, and it made the news. Dr. Conley regretted not speaking out when she …


Even at the dental office: “Nano Tech in Dental injections.”

Brace Yourselves: A Tsunami Approaches

What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if the people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security… And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter.

— Historian Milton …

Musk Spent $1bn on Coup Attempt – Maduro

The billionaire distributed the money to “fascists” through opposition figure Maria Corina Machado, the Venezuelan leader has claimed….

Plea in Defense of a Trade Unionist Facing Expulsion for Supporting Palestine

For initiating a petition denouncing the French CGT Confederation’s stance on Palestine after October 7, Salah was defamed and expelled from the union. This troubling case, part of a global witch-hunt against supporters of Gaza, deserves some attention.

Does Your Feminism Include Palestine?

Women’s Marches are being planned across the country ahead of Election Day to “show the strength of our feminist movement.” However, curiously missing from the talking points around the strength of the feminist movement is the women of Palestine – who have endured the brutality of anti-feminist policies for decades under the illegal occupation by Israel.

Nour, CODEPINK’s Palestinian-American organizer, shares a story of her grandmother’s sacrifice to take care of her children under occupation:

In Palestine, Israeli forces routinely impose curfews on Palestinian villages, forcing Palestinians to stay confined in their homes after dusk. The penalty for the slightest movement …

Denouncing the Renewal of the U.S.-Kenya Mission to Haiti

The Multinational Security Support Mission in Haiti Must End

The Haiti/Americas Team of the Black Alliance for Peace strongly denounces the UN Security Council’s vote to extend the U.S. funded, Kenya-led Multinational Security Support (MSS) mission in Haiti. We assert that any U.S./UN-led armed intervention in Haiti is not only unjustifiable but also unlawful. We stand with the Haitian people and civil society groups who have consistently opposed foreign armed intervention, arguing that Haiti’s issues stem from ongoing and long-standing interference by the U.S., the UN, and the Core Group.

On Monday, September 30, the UN Security Council unanimously  adopted  a  resolution extending …

Who are the Terrorists?

Unraveling the Mystery of the Middle East Crisis

Why is a Genocide Supported?

There are other issues I would prefer to write about; all are affected by the Middle East crisis.


Economics is a “dismal science” that has a postulate ─ all money is debt. This postulate leads to the realization that the capitalist economy grows and survives with mounting debt and only the government can carry the debt burden. Debt forces the government to manage the economy and a more managed economy continually develops. U.S. Middle East policy generates constant wars, promotes an arms race, and is partly responsible for the continually increasing debt and managed economy.

Foreign Policy

Establishing hegemony by making the world …

Mass Psychosis?

Is there evidence of anything causing a mass psychosis?

Israel’s War on the United Nations

The United Nations is an easy body to hate.  At times, it seems to be effusion without substance, body with no backbone.  It was conceived in a fit of post-war idealism, when egos were humbled and hatred briefly stemmed.  Over the ruins of the Second World War, the builders were favoured over the destroyers and mischief makers – at least for a time.

On its establishment, the UN became a hostage to the political intrigues and power blocs that have continued to plague it for its duration.  Of particular concern was the body’s pursuit of international law protocols – formulation, drafting …

The Badly Tarnished Nobel Peace Prize is Finally Awarded to a Group that Truly Deserves It

But honoring the victims of the US atomic bombings of Japan comes as Russia threatens to use nukes, and the US pushes a war on Russia that could lead to nuclear disaster

Hiroshima (left, which the US destroyed with the first atomic bomb ever used in war on Aug. 6, 1945, and Nagasaki, which the US destroyed three days later on Aug. 9 with the last atomic used in war so far. Over a quarter million people, mostly women and children, died in the two blasts, which were not an effort to end the war, but as a demonstration to the Soviet Union of America’s awsome new monopoly on destructive power. (USA government and ICRC Archive photo)

Pity the Biden and Harris …

Deconstructing a Military Mindset

By an active duty Air Force officer and recent graduate of the AF Academy.

The views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of Georgia Tech, the US Air Force, Department of Defense, or the US Government.

Somewhere around the age of 20, I sat in a large auditorium at the United States Air Force Academy with a thousand other cadets and cheered at footage of real drone strikes on real people, laughing along with everyone else as we watched little, pixelated figures run for cover that we all knew was futile. When I look back on that event, I wonder what part of me I had to sacrifice to find …

Indigenous Peoples Day, Some History

I was very surprised a few days ago to see the local bank where I have an account displaying a sign outside the front door which referred to what they called, “Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples Day.” Although I wish the first two words had not been there, it is still a positive thing that they went public in this compromise kind of way.

There’s something personal to me about this day. I’m not Indigenous, am very much of European ancestry, but in 1992 at the time of the 500th anniversary, official celebrations in …

The Forceful Emptying of Northern Gaza by Israel

The Israeli plan calling for the forceful emptying of northern Gaza and starving to death whoever remains behind is being aggressively promoted since its launch, including by prominent media figures.

The Noooz

Question nothing.

They’re Back!

Who are We to Accuse Iran of “Malign Influence”?

US & UK have never behaved honourably in the Middle East

“I said it loud and clear — and meant it — that I support Zionism without qualification,” Keir Starmer told Jewish News.

So our brand-new prime minister has refused to rule out UK military involvement in any Israeli response to Iran’s recent missile attack, condemning what he calls Iran’s “malign role” in the Middle East.

And he refused to say whether MPs would get a vote beforehand on any military action. “We support Israel’s right to defend herself against Iran’s aggression, in line with international law, because let’s be very clear, this was not a defensive action by Iran, it was …

Macron’s Arms Embargo on Israel Crumbles Under Scrutiny

Emmanuel Macron and the macaron have many similarities. Both the French President and the French dessert are airy and insubstantial and are loved by the rich elite. For these reasons, it was a surprise to many when Macron announced his support for an end to arms deliveries to the Israeli terrorist regime. For a neoliberal following in the footsteps of interventionists such as George Bush and Tony Blair, such a declaration is nigh unthinkable. Not even Vice-President Kamala Harris, a nominal progressive, has called for an arms embargo. In fact, Harris has made it emphatically that she does …

The Mighty Amazon River Ebbing

Fossil fuel CO2 emissions are taking the world’s time-honored ecosystems, like the world-famous Amazon River, down onto their knees. The problem is greenhouse gases like CO2 and CH4 trap heat and excessive levels, like we’ve been experiencing, create extreme heat; it’s a direct connection that’s destroying the world’s legendary ecosystems. Over time, the biosphere rejects human meddling by undercutting these wondrous natural systems that support human life. The conclusion is too dreadful to discuss.

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) is so alarmed that it’s calling for “Urgent Action.”

According to Celeste Saulo, secretary general of the WMO: “Water is the canary in …

The Tiny Majority

Can they see things that the majority can’t see?

Zionism Pursues Its Attempted Hold-up on Jews the World over

The Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France (CRIF), French Zionist Consistory, and their members and allies called for a demonstration on Sunday 6 October in the following terms: “Next Sunday 6 October, with a group of Zionist institutions, community organizations and citizen groups, we are organizing a large scale demonstration at Paris; we will assert our solidarity with the people and the state of Israel in the existential war that they have waged for a year, we will honor the memory of the victims of the pogrom of 7 October and we will denounce antisemitism”.

This call sets up once …